A warm welcome to Happy Feet!

Happy Feet stands as an autonomous Pre-K institution situated in Pohkseh, Shillong. Our dedication lies in equipping individuals with the tools to be perpetual learners, nurturing their intellects, shaping their character, and fostering a community that strives to impact our world positively.

Yet, Happy Feet transcends the realm of a mere Playschool. It is a secure, welcoming, and nurturing haven of curiosity where children are encouraged to flourish and evolve through engaging and developmentally fitting endeavours.

Our Philosophy

At Happy Feet, we hold the conviction that every child holds the potential to succeed when provided with the chance.

We recognise that children’s learning is enriched through firsthand encounters. Thus, our curriculum encompasses diverse activities meticulously designed to enhance our students’ gross motor skills, refine fine motor control, and heighten sensory perception. Our approach strikes a harmonious equilibrium between structured activities and unstructured play across all age groups, ensuring the children’s contentment and facilitating learning as they delve into their passions. Children engage in playful exploration, hearty laughter, and progressive growth within our premises!